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Entrepreneurs: Ask yourself THREE crucial questions proven to catapult profits!

October 09, 20237 min read

Empower your intuition, nurture your ambition, and let your feminine grace guide you in the art of profit creation.” - Unknown

Did you know?

A high percentage of people who opt to run their own business find themselves working longer hours for less money than the job they worked so hard to escape from.

That’s not all bad news though, because they at least have the freedom that they craved.

Most of the time that freedom is not having to answer to anyone.

8 Reasons

It Could All Be So Different

What if you started a business of your own today, and within a year it was making twice the salary of your current job; you would be pretty happy right?

But what if, in addition to that, you were only working half the hours of your current job?

So, now you’re working half the hours for twice the pay. Nobody is telling you what to do.

Plus, there’s no commute.

How would that feel to you? Pretty damn good, right?

How would your family feel?

Do you think your friends would be a little celebratory for you too?

You would have time to take your kids to school, dog to the groomer, learn new skills, go to the gym, hit the outlets, and the money to fund it.

THAT is what most people would call a fantastic business!

In fact, most people would find this a very attractive proposition.

But is it possible? Of course, it’s possible!

Thousands of people are already doing exactly that and more, and so can you.

I Already Have A Business

If you already have a business and you are not achieving the results you are striving for you are probably now wondering: well how can I do this? 

Well, for starters if you want greater profits from your business, it’s important to perform regular and specific reviews of all aspects of your business.

You’ll want to know what’s working, what’s working the best, and how you can do more of that.

You’ll also want to figure out what’s not working, too, so you can determine why that doesn’t work or how you could improve or replace your process.

If neither is possible, just stop doing that.

Example: If you are a massage therapist and you start trying to offer embroidered tote bags to your clients. That doesn’t fit your niche the way essential oils might. Or you are a local hair stylist and you need more clients so you advertise on social media but you are not really hitting your target audience.

Can you do things better?

Albert Einstein once said, “It’s impossible to solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it.” So, you might need some help on this one.

Your best resource is to talk with someone who has faced these issues before and found effective solutions for them.

True entrepreneurs never waste time or energy re-inventing the wheel. They just go and talk with the guy who created the wheel in the first place.

Think about it, at this point – what is new?

Most people naturally believe “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”.

They follow what friends or peers have done or are doing now and they don’t even realize they are actually limiting their growth because of the fear of not understanding, not being the one fully in control or just a resistance to change.

You know, “we have always done it this way”. 

Those that can see they are being limited and truly want to change usually begin reviewing business strategies from this perspective: “What’s wrong and how can I fix it?”

 Here’s a better idea:

Change your mindset and look at the situation from a different angle: “What’s right about this scenario?”  

When you come from a positive perspective, your creativity for problem solving is switched on and in alignment before your start.

This creativity could very well transform your business from a good business into a fantastic business! (aka profitable!!!)

Let’s look at how.

The Right Questions

Asking yourself these questions will help lead you to the answers:

  1. What's right about this issue/situation/strategy (scenario)? Get clarity on the task at hand.

  2. What makes it right? Get specific. What is it about those things that makes it an effective process for this scenario?

  3. What would be ideal? Get creative. What would be the absolute ideal strategy/solution for this scenario?

  4. What's missing that could bring about the ideal situation? Get resourceful. What do we need to find, create, add, or invent to reach this ideal?

  5. What will it take to put in what's missing, so we can bring about the ideal? Get busy, the pieces need to be put together. What is it going to take to make this issue/strategy/situation ideal?

Using the “What’s right?” perspective will, over time, change your complete mindset for everything - not just your business, but your personal and family life, too.

Just think of how many conflicts occur each day in the office or at  home where the words “What’s wrong” work out well.

You can test this yourself the very next time a conflict shows up in your life and see how different your whole attitude becomes immediately.

But, back to business. 

30 Day Reviews

It would be a good business practice to sit down every 30 days and review the answers to these questions:

  1. What action did I take this month to support my business?

  2. What action did I take this month to grow my business?

  3. What action did I take this month to improve my effectiveness?

  4. What action did I take this month to improve my efficiency (are you truly being productive)?

  5. What specific results have I created this month through my efforts?

  6. How can I do better next month?

Onward and Upward

The truth is, the more decisions you make and the more action you take, the more efficient you become.

And the more efficient you become, the better results you’ll create.

Plus, it will take you progressively less time to achieve those results!

This is why seeking the advice of seasoned professionals is a key strategy in creating a fantastic business!

Talk to fellow entrepreneurs and ask their advice.

The really smart ones will suggest you hire a coach. All the most seasoned entrepreneurs have at least one coach. You can ask me more about this as well.

 A coach can help you make profitable decisions, take effective actions, and streamline your thinking. It’s like having a business partner that you don’t have to split the profits with.

Or having a high value employee without having to pay for taxes and medical benefits. It will save you more money than it costs!

So, making greater profits in your business comes down to these important questions: What’s working? What’s not? How can I do better?

Answer these on a regular basis and reap the benefits!

Who is the author?

My name is Tina K. Davis and own multiple businesses while struggling with ADHD. Being one myself, I help easily distracted women entrepreneurs that are struggling to find their brand voice and target audiences generate revenue. 

 ADHD and my surroundings have always been what defined my future because I let it.

Every time I had an idea, the excitement and distractions quickly built up and the focus ran out on me. I began to question why I thought I could even run a business.

Sadly, many entrepreneurs won't see their full potential because of this same “distraction monster”.

 Today there is an overwhelming amount of information overload. Most of the information is not consumable for someone who is easily distracted. The work seems impossible to wade through and complete on time. I also realized that only about 20% of what I was being exposed to was even beneficial for me. More importantly, it was the only amount consumable for me.

What did I do? I put together an easily consumable program that resolved the overwhelm, guided my focus and mindset, clarifying my branding.

 Instead of pushy “hustle culture” coaching, detailed courses and trainings, I created bite sized, self-paced “nuggets” of opportunity for the busy minded.

 My mission is to help as many women that want to start or scale a business who are consumed by distractions make their entrepreneurial dreams come true.


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Tina K Davis

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